Sunday, April 22, 2012

I'm Back!

It has almost been a year since my last post! Oops! Life has just been crazy! But I'm back after baby #2 and I am excited to get in shape!

I gained about 40 pounds being pregnant. Eating anything I wanted was great! But now to get rid of it! I've been doing pretty good so far. Only 4 more pounds and I am at my pre-pregnancy weight. Which is still not where I want to be.. in fact it's very far from my goal! But that's ok!

I tell myself "You didn't gain 40 pounds overnight so your not going to loose it overnight either!"

I am hoping that by writing this blog for everyone to read that it will help motivate me to keep going and maybe help some others who are in the same situation.

* This isn't just about loosing weight to look a certain way, it is about being healthy and being able to keep up to my kids as they grow into energetic young men. Its about changing out my rotten habits and replacing them with good lifestyle choices so that I can be a positive example to my children. *


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