Friday, February 25, 2011

Post #1 - Challenge Accepted

Here's a some info on myself.

I am a wife, and a mother of one little precious 5 month boy we'll refer to as Big D. When he was born I weighed in at a whopping 190 lbs. Which on my 5'3 frame was a lot! I was always active growing up and in the average weight category. 3 months after Big D was born I was at 170 pounds and I realized how hard it is on your body to be carrying around extra weight. My joints ached, and I had a hard time sleeping ( and it wasn't because of the baby, because he sleeps great!) I just felt all around yucky and I was slightly depressed. I knew that if I was going to be able to be a good mom and wife I had to get myself in order, and back in shape. I have had the worst "luck" with diets. Luck actually has nothing to do with it, but I was never able to stick to a diet before. Every January 1 I would write an extensive plan on how I was going to drop those 10 pounds, and then it was 15 the next year and it just kept going up. So this January I HAD to make it different. I had at least 40 pounds to loose. A number that seemed impossible to reach. But, this year I had Big D to think about.

I had been hearing a lot of hype about the HCG diet, a co-worker of mine had done it and lost over 100 pounds. A few other people I knew were also successful at it. So I decided I was going to give it a try.

Now it's 20 days later and I've lost almost 20 pounds! I have 20 days left and hopefully another 20 pounds gone! How awesome is that?! The HCG diet, hasn't been super easy, but it hasn't been as hard as I thought it would be either. It definitely was an eye opener to how wrong my view of food was, and what my diet had been doing to my body. Before I could eat a flat of doughnuts and I would wonder why I felt bloated!

What keeps me going is the challenge. You are allowed only 500 calories of certain food, along with taking the oral drops. Trying to find a different tasty arrangement of food every day is like a game. Making up, and revising recipes is a lot of fun! (I'll be including my recipes on here too!)
So wish me luck that my willpower is resilient enough to last these few weeks!

If you want more information on the HCG diet is a good site or if you have any questions feel free to ask!

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