Friday, April 27, 2012

Lemon Juice Honey Water

Try This!

Honey and lemon juice tonic can be a natural and effective weight-loss aid. Both lemon juice and honey contain important vitamins and minerals that aid in digestion and help the body dissolve fat deposits.

Honey is rich in amino acids and minerals, and is a good source of vitamin B-6. The vitamins and minerals in honey can aid in metabolizing fatty acids and help with digestion. Honey is rich in natural fruit sugars, making it a great energy boost when taken in the morning. These natural fruit sugars are simple carbohydrates, and are easily digested. The glucose in honey gives immediate energy, while the slow absorbing fructose sustains the energy boost over time.

Lemons are used by many people because of their high levels of vitamin C, B vitamins, phosphorus and proteins. Lemons are a natural diuretic, helping flush the body of excess water and impurities. Lemon juice also aids the liver in producing bile, helping to make digestion easier for the body.

Raw honey is preferable. Lemons should be freshly squeezed. Mix one part honey to two parts lemon. For example, 1 tsp. honey should be mixed with 2 tsp. lemon juice. Combine the honey and lemon mixture with a glass of warm tap water.

Honey and lemon tonic should be consumed daily for maximum benefits. Taken in the morning on an empty stomach, the tonic provides an energy boost and aids in digestion throughout the day. This boost to the digestive system also makes it beneficial to drink honey and lemon juice tonic in the evening after a large meal.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Helpful Technology

My phone never leaves my side. It's sad actually but it is just so handy! I have a slew of apps that I love and use on a daily basis.

I already shared this one but I really cant say enough good things about it!

This is the Beatburn app for the treadmill. It is the only way I think I would be able to hop on my treadmill everyday! Love Love it!

The Lose It! App is also another good one!
It keeps track of everything! Calories (it has a huge database of foods and you can also add your own! It also is a log for you daily weight entry, how many pounds to go etc etc.

I also like this Nike Training. I should really use it more. It has tons of workouts!
Nike + GPS... I've only used this app a few times but I really liked it! It tracks your distance through GPS. It also can link to your facebook and when people "like" the link it posts it cheers for you. (like stadium style!) It's funny and made me laugh.